Goal #4: 2023 Membership Survey Data Analysis

Responses to our 2023 Membership Survey provided insight to what is important to our membership.  The board has reviewed those responses and taken the following steps in response:

  1. Added additional scholarship awards for young scholars to attend and present at the annual conference. Scholarship awards are based on the funding available for the year.  We continue to solicit contributions for scholarships.
  2. Provided an opportunity for an intern from a church history site to serve in a paid position at the annual conference in St. George.
  3. Shared our Strategic Plans & Goals.
  4. Secure financial stability, a generous member has agreed to a contribution match up to $25,000 to be added to the Endowment Fund.
  5. Invited annual conference first time attendees to join.

There were so many great suggestions, we continue to focus on how to implement your recommendations to improve JWHA.