The JWHA newsletter is published quarterly. Members receive updates to access the latest articles before the next issue is available.

Read A Message from Our New President, Kyle Walker
2024 Call for Papers
Join us in sunny St. George, Utah September 12-15, 2024, as we make peace with the past, and pursue peace in the present through the exploration of the history and impact of restoration experiences in the outposts of the world. Help us make our first conference west of the Missouri river a hit by showcasing your breadth of knowledge on a fitting topic as a presenter in one of our sessions.
For consideration and possible inclusion of your presentation in the conference, please submit your 100–200-word proposal to by April 6, 2024. For more information visit our website We look forward to seeing you in September.
Giving Tuesday
Thank you to those of you who participated in Giving Tuesday. We did not reach our goal through the Giving Tuesday campaign; however, you still have the opportunity to support JWHA scholarships. Please donate any amount by
- Visiting the JWHA’s website donation link, noting Giving Tuesday in the comment box.
- Sending a check to JWHA, P.O. Box 496, Independence, MO 64051
Thank you for considering our request.
JWHA Book and Article Awards – Nominations Open
Congratulations to the 2023 recipients of the Book and Article Awards! We’re thrilled to announce that we are currently open for award nominations for publications released in 2023. To enhance the focus on historical and theological scholarship related to the Community of Christ, we’ve made some slight revisions to the nomination criteria. Please take a moment to submit your nominations through our online form by April 6, 2024. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the awards committee at Thank you for your participation in JWHA!
The Past, Present, and Future of the Prophetic Monarchy in the Latter Day Saint Movement by John Hamer
John presented his spring lecture, supplemented to reflect the additional events that have taken place between April and the present, i.e., the announcement of President Veazey’s medical leave, the change in the succession decision process, and Emeritus President Smith’s death. View his lecture here.
2024 Membership Renewal
Your 2023 membership expires December 31. If you’ve already renewed, thank you. Check your membership expiration located at the end of this newsletter to confirm your membership expiration date.

If your expiration date is 12/31/2023 you can renew today. We appreciate your membership.
2024 Board of Directors
We would like to thank those who have completed terms as board members this past year. Much thanks goes to Megan Stanton, who served as are Awards Chair, and to Myra Elliott, who served as our Membership Chair.
We would also like to welcome our newest board members, Sally Cook Roth and Magen Edvalson. Sally will fill the role of Membership Chair, and Magen will oversee social media. The board has also approved Eric Rogers, Susan Staker, and Matt Harris as board members who have graciously stepped forward to fill board vacancies. Eric will serve as our Awards Chair, Susan as our John Whitmer Books Liaison, and Matt as the MHA Liaison. Thanks to all these individuals who have volunteered to help JWHA to be successful!
Nominations for the 2025 board of directors will open early in January. Start thinking now about potential board members. Watch your inbox for the nomination’s announcement.
Meet the New JW Books Manager
I am honored to serve in the Books Manager role.
I’m a former JWHA board member and a past editor of Restoration Studies. I’ve also ordered and sold countless titles from JW Books at the Kirtland Temple Mercantile when I was serving as director of the historic site.
My first experience with JWHA was about 15 years ago as a graduate student. For me, John Whitmer has been a rare and amazing space to explore Latter Day Saint history freely. Beyond that, I have developed so many friendships with like-minded people. I am passionate about history, and value the unique voice JWHA brings to Latter Day Saint history. JW Books represents all that I love in JWHA, and I look forward to supporting its continued growth.
Many thanks to the board for their support and look forward to the journey ahead.
Seth Bryant
In Memoriam
Lavina Fielding Anderson, April 13, 1944 — Oct. 29, 2023 Details

Articles You May have Missed
Upcoming Event
Sunday, November 5, 2023
8 pm Eastern / 7 pm Central
JWHA & Centreplace present this complimentary livestreaming lecture.

The Past, Present, and Future of the Prophetic Monarchy in the Latter Day Saint Movement
There are two options to view the lecture:
We hope you are able to attend.
JWHA YouTube Channel

Visit the JWHA YouTube Channel to view conference and Whitmer Cast podcast videos.
2023 Annual Conference Sponsors
Thank you, conference sponsors, for your generous support.
Partner Level
- Smith-Petit Foundation
Friend Level
- Joe Geisner in honor of the late Suzanne Geisner
- Greg & Cynthia Kofford
- Jerry & Sandra Mogg
- Megan Stanton
- Dan & Beth Whittemore
Some sponsors have asked to remain anonymous; we are grateful for their contributions to the success of the conference.
Interested in the 2024 Annual Conference sponsorships, learn more today!
Congratulations to our 2023 book and article award recipients!
2023 Conference Sunrise Memorial Service at Zodiac Cemetery

“Oh, my. Words cannot capture the feelings of my spirit and stop the falling of my tears. You all did it just as I would have done. Thank you all so much for making this happen.”
Melvin Clarno Johnson
Preserving this historical event, see what spoke to Mel.
Please Consider Supporting the John Whitmer Historical Association on #GivingTuesday November 28th, 2023.
Share the joy of Restoration history with your friends, family, and online community. This #GivingTuesday, you can help the John Whitmer Historical Association grow its membership, increase funding for scholarships, and promote giving to provide opportunities for students. Your tax-deductible gift of $25, $50, $100 or more will make an immediate difference for JWHA’s mission and work. Giving Tuesday is November 28th. You will receive an email with the link to donate and share on your social media.
The initiatives and accomplishments of JWHA are made possible because of the dedication, involvement and financial support of our members, volunteers, and friends. Thank you for building and leaving legacies that are worthy of our great heritage and providing enhanced judgment and optimism for our future.
Two New Offerings from John Whitmer Books!

Joseph Smith’s Family: the Kirtland Years, by Ronald E. Romig, is a compilation of first-hand reminiscences that highlight many lesser-known aspects of the lives of the extended Smith family during the Kirtland years. The volume also includes information about Joseph’s siblings and their marriages, more credit is given Hyrum Smith for the completion of the Kirtland Temple, and Lucy Mack Smith is depicted gathering resources for both the Temple and the print shop. Read about these details and many others in this latest edition of Ron Romig’s series on the Smith family.

The second offering in our Archaeology Monograph Series, Hawn’s Mills Hamlet, is the account of a five-year project conducted at Hawn’s Mills site in Caldwell County, Missouri by archaeologist Paul DeBarthe, historian Michael S. Riggs, and a large crew of students and other volunteers. This book provides better insight into what the hamlet at Hawn’s Mills looked like in the late 1830s (very different than today) and what daily life consisted of based on the material cultural artifacts recovered from the small Mormon hamlet situated so remotely from the movement’s headquarters in Far West. Check it out!
Visit the JWHA online store today – find your treasure!
If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, please contact us at We always appreciate your input.