The JWHA newsletter is published quarterly. Members receive updates to access the latest articles before the next issue is available.
President Griffiths
A message from JWHA President Casey Griffiths.
JWHA Journal News!
The JWHA Journal has a new editor.
2023 Board of Director’s Slate
Nominations have been proposed for JWHA President-Elect and Board of Directors.
2023 Conference – Fredericksburg, Texas
Registration Open
We are excited to announce the program for our September conference in Fredericksburg, Texas! Details
Guest rooms are blocked at the conference venue, Hangar Hotel & Conference Center, with an additional block of room at the Inn on Barons Creek. Make your reservations today!
Again, this year we will be mindful of keeping our guests safe and recommend attendees consider wearing masks for their personal safety. Masks will not be required; however, we will have them available.
John Whitmer Books had a presence

at the Mormon History Association in June in Rochester, New York. Pictured are Mark Staker and Cheryl L. Bruno at our JW Books table. This year we had a display of the front covers of all of our books, with the QR code for people to order if they so desired. That way the book could be shipped directly to the purchaser’s home and did not take up room in the suitcase! Mark and Cheryl enjoyed talking to many people who came by the table to learn about the John Whitmer Historical Association. Because we also displayed the two most recent issues of the JWHA Journal, we had several discussions about the recently discovered Smith daguerreotype. We also passed out candy and pins to add to every conference-goer’s collection! It was great seeing all of you.
Health Update from Ron Romig
I will not be able to attend the annual meeting this year.
I was diagnosed with myeloma last year. I was admitted for a stem cell transplant last month. I am home again after 13 days, and the treatment appears to be successful. I am experiencing a lag while my body regrows the cells that support blood health. Thankfully, my blood numbers are improving. My doctors tell me I am in remission and my prognosis continues to improve. Rather than concealing my condition, I want to share with JWHA associates regarding my illness, However, I decided to wait and experience the treatment and outcome before sharing with close associates.
I’m unable to receive visitors at this time however, if you’d like to reach out by mail or email here is my information:18 Oak Hill Cluster, Independence, MO 64057,
Thanks for your consideration.
Ronald E. Romig, Independence, Missouri
Earlier articles this quarter you may have missed —
Casey Griffiths, President, shared this video message with the 2023 Spring Event attendees.
Learn about MHA’s upcoming conference the first week of June in Rochester, New York.
JWHA 2023 Conference, Fredericksburg, Texas

The conference committee is in full planning mode polishing the details. Again, this year we will offer a plethora of presentations to explore. While we’re finalizing the details to open registration, visit the conference page for guest room reservation details. We have two blocks of guest rooms, make your reservation early to guarantee the conference rates.
Watch your inbox for the registration open invitation. We look forward to seeing you in Fredericksburg.
2023 Conference Auction
JWHA friends, we are planning our traditional silent auction at our annual meeting in September in Fredericksburg, Texas. The money raised by the silent auction permits young scholars to participate in the JWHA annual meeting and sink their roots into our historical community. Please consider donating items for the auction that would interest our membership. Click here to enter your auction donations in advance, this helps the committee to organize your treasures. Thank you for your support!
Visit the JWHA online store today – find your treasure!
If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, please contact us at We always appreciate your input.