The JWHA newsletter is published quarterly. Members receive updates to access the latest articles before the next issue is available.
Spring Presidential Message

Fellow JWHA’ers! I hope everyone has hunkered down and made it through the winter, even if you live in a warmer climate than I do. With Spring upon us, we have some unique opportunities before us. The call for papers and scholarship applications for our Fall Conference in Texas will close on April 6. I hope you are all preparing your papers, and encouraging your friends, especially students, to attend the conference. With Spring approaching we also have a special opportunity to meet together again and attend our Spring banquet in Independence, held alongside Community of Christ’s World Conference on April 21. Our speaker at the Spring banquet will be John Hamer, a JWHA stalwart. We hope you can join us as blue skies and sunny days lie ahead!
Casey Griffiths, President
Spring Event & Business Meeting

In conjunction with the Community of Christ World Conference, we will host our spring event Friday evening, April 21. Featured is John Hamer as the Wallace B. Smith tribute lecturer. Learn more and register today.
2022 Financial Statement
The 2022 internal unaudited financial statement is available for your review. If you have questions, please contact Cheryle Grinter, Executive Director.
2023 Annual Conference
The JWHA Annual Conference will be held in Fredericksburg, Texas, September 21-24, 2023. The deadline for proposals is quickly approaching and are due on April 6, 2023. Click here for the full Call for Papers and to submit your proposals to the program committee. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made in May 2023.
Kyle Walker and Eric Rogers, 2023 Program Committee Co-Chairs
Award Nomination Reminder + Deadline Extension
Don’t forget to nominate your favorite publications for JWHA awards! Books and articles published in 2022 about topics in Latter Day Saint history are eligible. The nomination deadline has been extended to April 30, 2023. Send your nominations to Megan Stanton, the JWHA award chair, at Award criteria and past recipients can be found here.
The John Whitmer Historical Association awards scholarships to currently enrolled students. The purpose of the scholarship program is to encourage and support scholarly participation in JWHA’s central mission: studies of Community of Christ or other communities of the Restoration Movement.
Scholarship amounts vary from year to year, depending upon available funding. Successful applicants must present their papers at the annual JWHA conference. In addition to a cash award, registration fees for the annual conference will be waived, and banquet tickets will be provided at no cost to awardees. An annual JWHA membership for the calendar year following the meeting will also be provided to scholarship recipients.
For additional information visit our scholarship frequently asked questions.
Application deadline is the same as the proposal deadline for the annual conference proposals, April 6, 2023.
In Memoriam
JWHA is deeply saddened by the loss of members Dennis and DeAun Young who tragically lost their lives in an automobile accident on March 22, read their obituary.

Earlier articles this quarter you may have missed —
JWHA Board of Directors Nominations Close Tuesday, January 31st
2023 is here, it’s time to submit nominations for the JWHA Board of Directors. This year we’ll be electing two board positions and a President-Elect.
Submit your nomination(s) today. We encourage you to nominate yourself if you’re interested in serving.
2023 Membership Dues
Are your 2023 membership dues paid? Check your expiration date at the bottom of this newsletter in RED. If your expiration date is 12/31/2022 your membership will become inactive January 31st with membership benefits suspended until dues are brought current.
Renew online to avoid your membership benefits being suspended.
Your membership expiration date is listed at the end of this newsletter like this:
Your JWHA membership expires 12/31/2022. Have you moved? Do you have a new phone number? Update your membership contact information today! |
Career Opportunity
The John Whitmer Historical Association (JWHA) is seeking to contract an editor for our journal, published bi-annually, focusing on Restoration History and Theology. This is a stipend compensated position, working on the cutting edge of its field. JWHA has a long tradition of publishing groundbreaking studies on Restoration history, including the first detailed analysis of a probably photographic image of Joseph Smith, Jr., featured in our journal just this past summer. Read full details of the position.
Submit a cover letter of interest outlining your qualifications to by February 15, 2023.
JWHA member and scholarship winner Kathy Fallon passed away in November 2022. So many people knew Kathy Fallon as an amazing musician, but fewer knew of her contribution to Restoration history as a scholarship winner and presenter at the 2019 annual conference in New York.

2023 Call for Papers – Deadline April 6, 2023

Friends, our next conference will be held in Fredericksburg, Texas in September 2023. We are looking forward to exploring the warm hospitality of the Lone Star state, but the real centerpiece of our conferences is the great presentations given by the scholars who attend. It’s not only a treat for our attendees, but the papers greatly benefit from the suggestions and critiques of the JWHA brain trust! Submit your proposals today, beat the April 6th deadline. We hope you’ll join us in Texas and share your insights and research!
2022 Outstanding Donors
We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all our 2022 donors. This was a banner year for JWHA with our 50th anniversary, groundbreaking discoveries in our journal, and several exciting new publications from our members. None of this would be possible without the generous donors who help us keep the lights on. Thank you for all the contributions, no matter how large or small. We appreciate everything you do to help JWHA continue its work.
2023 Spring Event and Business Meeting in Independence
Friday, April 21, 2023, 5:30 p.m.
John Hamer, Featured Wallace B. Smith Tribute Lecturer presents:
“The Past and Future of the Prophetic Monarchy in the Latter Day Saint Tradition”
Save the date. Registration opens in February.
AmazonSmile Program Ends
JWHA has benefited from the AmazonSmile program since 2013. We want to thank those of you who designated JWHA as your charity of choice to receive a percentage of your Amazon purchases.
The program will wind down by February 20th, if you are planning to make any Amazon purchases before then there is still time to designate a portion of your purchase to JWHA.
Visit the JWHA online store today – find your treasure!
If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, please contact us at We always appreciate your input.