No. 129 Oct-Dec 2022
The JWHA newsletter is published quarterly. Members receive updates to access the latest articles before the next issue is available.

Membership Fees Increase Effective 1.1.23
At the October 2021 annual business meeting membership approved an increase of membership fees for the following membership types:
Regular from $45 to $55
Spousal from $15 to $25
E-membership from $25 to $35
If you are a regular, spouse or e-member you have until December 31, 2022, to renew at the current rate. Any memberships renewed after January 1, 2023, will renew at the increased fee.
Let’s start our 51st year with strong membership. If you have not renewed your 2023 membership renew online today.
A Message For the New Year From President Casey Griffiths
Career Opportunity
The John Whitmer Historical Association (JWHA) is seeking to contract an editor for our journal, published bi-annually, focusing on Restoration History and Theology. This is a stipend compensated position, working on the cutting edge of its field. JWHA has a long tradition of publishing groundbreaking studies on Restoration history, including the first detailed analysis of a probably photographic image of Joseph Smith, Jr., featured in our journal just this past summer. Read the full details of the position.
JWHA Annual Conference Announcement
The JWHA Annual Conference will be held in Fredericksburg, Texas, September 21-24, 2023. The deadline for proposals for conference presentations is April 6, 2023. Click here for the full Call for Papers and to submit your proposals to the program committee. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made in May 2023.
— Kyle Walker and Eric Rogers, 2023 Program Committee Co-Chairs
50th Anniversary Celebration Photos & Souvenirs
Thank you to those who joined us for the 50th anniversary celebration. We had a great turn out with lots of fun, the photos tell the story.
If you couldn’t attend, or maybe you did, and would like a souvenir we have something for you. Visit our online store for t-shirts, logo etched wine glass and celebration program. Supplies are limited and will be available until sold out.
Articles You May Have Missed
In Memoriam

JWHA sadly notes the passing of one of its founders, Paul M. Edwards. Bill Russell has written a beautiful tribute to him.
JWHA Founders
The 50th Anniversary Conference & Celebration was “kicked-off” with a video exploring the founding of JWHA from the perspective of our founders. You can view the video here.
Award Winners
Congratulations to our 2022 Book and Article Award recipients!
Congratulations to our 50th Anniversary Special Award recipients!

To commemorate our 50th anniversary, the JWHA board sponsored two Special Awards celebrating our role in supporting Latter Day Saint history and scholarship that is most relevant to Community of Christ history. The JWHA Special Award committee selected two award recipients: Dick Howard and David Howlett. Their nominators and the award committee commented at length about both the strength of their published scholarship and the mentorship they’ve provided us over the years. Each Special Award recipient spoke at the 50th anniversary award ceremony. Click here to watch the awards ceremony video. Dick and David, congratulations!
Support the John Whitmer Historical Association on #GivingTuesday
Share the joy of Restoration history with your friends, family, and online community. This #GivingTuesday, you can help the John Whitmer Historical Association grow our membership, increase scholarship, and promote giving to provide opportunities for students. Your tax-deductible gift of $25, $50, $100 or more will make an immediate difference for JWHA’s mission and work. Giving Tuesday is November 29th. You will receive an email with the link to donate and share on your social media.
The initiatives and accomplishments of JWHA are made possible because of the dedication, involvement and financial support of our members, volunteers, and friends. Thank you for building and leaving legacies that are worthy of our great heritage and providing enhanced judgment and optimism for our future.
Conference Support
The 50th anniversary conference was a successful, educational, and fun time made possible in part to the generosity of the sponsors. We are grateful for the support and commitment to the conference.

Interested in supporting the 2023 conference, reach out to for opportunity details.
If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, please contact us at We always appreciate your input.