The JWHA newsletter is published quarterly. Members receive updates to access the latest articles before the next issue is available.
President’s Message from Christin Mackay
2021 Financial Statement and Annual Report
The 2021 financial reports have been published and uploaded to the website. These reports are designed to provide JWHA members information about our activities and financial performance in 2021.
We encourage you to review the reports and welcome your questions or comments.
Please consider the benefits of sponsorship opportunities for the 50th Anniversary celebration
The 50th Anniversary celebration and conference is inclusive inviting participation across the board. Beginning with the 2022 conference, we are offering sponsorship opportunities. Invest in JWHA to realize the power of support and build a relationship with our members.
Learn more about how you can provide financial support for our golden jubilee.
“There’s a big difference between showing interest and really taking interest.” –Michael P. Nichols
Our executive director reminds us to register early for the 50th Anniversary celebration
Meet our new JW Books Manager
Final Call for 2022 Conference Papers & Scholarship Applications
JWHA Announces the Newest Board Member and 2022 Slate of Nominees
Book and Article Award deadline extended to April 30
Don’t forget to make nominations for our Book and Article Awards! Any book or article published in 2021 about topics in Latter Day Saint Studies is eligible. Please help the Awards Committee find great recent scholarship.
The nomination deadline is extended to April 30, 2022. Send your nominations to Megan Stanton, the JWHA Awards Chair, at Award criteria and past recipients can be found here.
JWHA is offering a Special Award in 2022 to honor scholarly excellence. Details
Articles You May Have Missed
Check these two things off your “To Do List” today
1. Renew your 2022 membership – Due Today
2022 is an exciting year for members as we celebrate our 50th anniversary. Don’t miss out on member benefits including the discounted annual conference and celebration registration fee for our 50th Anniversary Celebration, September 15-18, 2022, at the Community of Christ Temple in Independence. The conference registration fee is designed to thank our members for continued support and commitment to the JWHA mission.
Confirm your 2022 membership is active. Scroll to the end of the newsletter, and you will see your membership expiration date in red (Your JWHA membership expires 12/31/2021). If your expiration date is 2021 your renewal is due today.
Renew online today to avoid interruption of your membership benefits.
2. Nominations – Today is the deadline to submit your 2022 board member nominees.
JWHA Open Position
JW Books in in search of a part-time manager. The application deadline is Friday, February 18. Interested in applying? Learn more.

We are Grateful
Thank you to our generous Donors! The past 2 years have been particularly challenging, but we are grateful for your donations that have continued to sustain the organization. Your donations provide Scholarship opportunities, fund the Awards program, and maintain our daily operations.
Become a donor or join JWHA today.
2022 Conference Call for Papers
The date is quickly approaching for our 50th anniversary conference! This will be a special conference, held in the beautiful Community of Christ temple in Independence, Missouri. We are looking for great papers on a wide ranging number of subjects that will allow you to share your insights and make connections with other scholars. You can find the official call for papers here.
We are looking forward to seeing all of you this September!
Close-Out on Journal Back-Issues
JWHA has 117 remaining hard copies of back issues of the John Whitmer Historical Association Journal and Restoration Studies. We are now offering to sell them all as a fundraiser for the 50th Anniversary Celebration (September 15-18, 2022).
All issues were published by Herald House in the early years of the Association. For those who want to fill in those missing years on the shelf, this may be your only opportunity. And be sure to get those gems with your own articles to pass on to the next generation.
Interested, visit our online store. Prices and conditions are included in the description.
Questions? Contact for further information.
We’re putting our best foot forward . . .
To make a favorable initial impression, we have updated our website and added some new features including a slide show, an online store, financial and annual reports, and the WhitmerCast Podcast. Visit now and often; we have more updates planned as we move through our 50th year and celebrate all that is JWHA!
If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, please contact us at We always appreciate your input.