Back to the Burned-Over District 200 Years Later, 1819-2019: Impact of the Second Great Awakening on the Restoration Movements
The 47th annual conference in Fairport, New York, kicked off with the annual business meeting where Dan Whittemore, Finance Chair, presented the 2018 financial report to members in attendance.
44 first-time attendees were welcomed to the conference’s historical scholarship, fellowship, and fun, which included:
- Richard P. Howard Lecturer, Ann Taves, UC Santa Barbara, Discerning God’s Presence: Experiential Claims and Restorationist Movements in the Burned-Over District, revealing the impact of local Rochester 1820 revivals.
- Exceptional academic research and analysis offered by 60 presenters.
- Three bus tours featuring 19th century Rochester Restoration and American History sites in western New York, home of the Burned Over District.
- Silent and on-line auctions which raised $1,718 to support JWHA’s mission. Thank you to everyone who donated and bid on items.
- The Awards Luncheon recognized the 2019 winners selected from eleven books and eighteen articles considered by the committee. Learn more about past award winners.
- Trivia Night where Steve Otteson won the 50/50 raffle. Congratulations Steve! Thanks to the JWHA members who served as entertaining hosts and participants as we raised scholarship funds.
- President’s Banquet & Address as JWHA President, Rachel Killebrew, celebrated women’s historical contributions in her address: Celebration of Women at the Restoration History Family Table.
What’s next?
2020 48th Annual Conference, St. George, Utah – plan now to attend. See you in “color country!”