December 2017

Merry Christmas!  Think of the gifts you have given JWHA this year—your membership, your presentations at the 2017 conference, your attendance at the conference, and your papers for the JWHA Journal, your service on the board or on committees, as well as the occasional monetary contributions beyond your membership dues.

And speaking of memberships, now is the time to go to renew your membership for 2018.  You also have the opportunity to renew your membership for multiple years at a reduced rate per year.


The President’s Message in the last newsletter mentioned the success of our Nauvoo conference in so many ways.  The numbers were good news, too.  That success served to boost our membership numbers and it also provided some extra revenue which allows us to keep our membership dues down as well as to continue our mission.

For all these gifts all of us who are part of the JWHA community thank you, thank one another.

Happy New Year! As we contemplate the possibilities for the new year we are likewise drawn to remember the past—what happened and what we did about it.  That is your story—my story. If you haven’t submitted your proposal yet to the 2018 Program Committee, mull that story around in your mind, put the possibility in Word and submit your abstract for the 2018 conference. We want to know one another.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Cheerfully yours,
