John Whitmer Historical Association awards scholarships to promising scholars. The purpose of the scholarship program is to encourage and support scholarly participation in JWHA’s central mission: studies of Community of Christ or other communities of the Restoration Movement.

JWHA offers scholarships to currently enrolled students. While preference may be given to undergraduates and first-time presenters, graduate students are encouraged to apply.

Scholarship amounts vary from year to year, depending upon available funding. Successful applicants must present their papers at the annual JWHA conference. In addition to a cash award, registration fees for the annual conference will be waived, and banquet tickets will be provided at no cost to awardees. An annual JWHA membership for the calendar year following the meeting will also be provided to scholarship recipients.

For additional information visit our scholarship frequently asked questions.

See what scholarship recipients say about their experience.

Call for Papers

To fulfill the scholarship requirement to present a paper at our annual conference, please make sure your article is aligned with the theme of this year’s event. The deadline for your scholarship application is also the same as our call for papers deadline: April 6.

Submit your application today.