Saturday, September 20, 12 – 5:30 PM
Brown v. the Board of Education
Come join us for a tour of the historic Brown v. the Board of Education National Historic Park in Topeka, Kansas! We’ll see—and meet—many of the characters behind this pivotal Supreme Court decision that desegregated the nation’s schools. We’ll learn why the Court made this momentous change and we’ll learn about the “boots on the ground” who brought the case to them. Most importantly, we’ll learn about the Brown family and how they participated in this historic case at great personal risk to them. And we’ll learn how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Community of Christ, and other Restoration churches grappled with the legacy of civil rights and segregation.
The tour will be led by Dr. Matt Harris, professor of history at Colorado State University-Pueblo and author of the recently published book Second-Class Saints: Black Mormons and the Struggle for Racial Equality. Matt also recently published “A Tale of Two Religions: RLDS and LDS Responses to the Civil Rights Movement” in the John Whitmer Historical Association Journal.