Please note: the agenda presented here is a draft and subject to change.

Click on the Session Numbers for Abstract & Bio.

Mountain Time   Session Presenter(s) Location

Friday, September 13, 2024


7:30 – 9:00 a.m.   Light breakfast (included in registration fee)   Garden Room
8:30 a.m.
Chair: Reid Neilson

The Truth Shall Make You Free Marlin K. Jensen Ballroom
C & D
9:30 a.m.   Break & Exhibits   Ballroom
A & B
10:00 a.m.
Chair: Casey Paul Griffiths
Breakout 211

Birth Control: A Case Study of the Relationship between Doctrine, Policy, and a Changing World Sean Magoffin  Sunbrook
Evolving Practice and Policy in Latter-day Saint Missionary Work Dr. Maria Farha Blewster
Carly Blewster Blais
10:00 a.m.
Chair: Matthew Harris
Breakout 212 The Arrival and Activities of Reorganized Latter Day Saints in Southwest Utah Michael H. Nielsen

If the Past is a Foreign Country, Who’s Teaching Kids the Language? Shalisse Johnstun  
10:00 a.m.
Chair: Nancy Ross
Panel 213 Come Hither Up to Zion: William Marks and the Mormon Concept of Gathering Cheryl L. Bruno
Christopher James Blythe
Kyle Beshears
John Dinger
Rachel Killebrew
10:00 a.m.
Chair: Matthew C. Godfrey
Panel 214

The Life and Faith of William Clayton: Insights from His Nauvoo Journal Alex Smith
Jessica Anne Lawrence
Jeffrey David Mahas
Robin Jensen
C & D
11:15 a.m.   Break & Exhibits   Ballroom
A & B
11:45 a.m.
Chair: Sherry Mesle-Morain
Breakout 221

Off The Stand, But Standing Up: A Contemporary View of Latter-day Saint Women’s Power and Authority Zachary Brady

World Religions and Historical Imagination in Exploring the Book of Mormon: Teaching Scriptural Pasts and Presents to Twentieth-century Reorganized Youth Makoto Hunter
11:45 a.m.
Chair: Gary Boatright
Breakout 222 This Branch of the Church: the Evolution of Local Church Administration Brandon Plewe Sunbrook
From Parowan to the Pacific: The overland travel of China missionaries from Southern Utah to Southern California in 1852 Reid L Neilson
11:45 a.m.
Chair: Deb Luce
Breakout 223 Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict the Skills Needed to Reproduce the Book of Mormon Brian C. Hales Sunbrook
A “Newsie Messiah”: the Lives and Teachings of Israel A. J. Dennis Kirk Watson
11:45 a.m.
Chair: Ryan Robinson
Breakout 224
Hyrum Smith and Nauvoo Freemasonry Kenneth L. Alford Ballroom
C & D
Telling the Truth: A Journey in Documentary History of the Church of Christ (Temple Lot Jason R. Smith
1:00 p.m.   Break & Exhibits   Ballroom
A & B
1:15 p.m.   Awards Luncheon (included in registration fee)
Book Nominations
Article Nominations
Eric Paul Rogers Garden Room
2:15 p.m.   Break & Exhibits   Ballroom
A & B
2:45 p.m.
Chair: R. Jean Addams
Breakout 241 Hamblin Missions from St. George to Hopi Villages Ryan Combs
Brandon Plewe
Creating Micro Economic Peace Settlement with the United Orders (1873-1877): Knab, Orderville, and St. George Settlements Glen Larson
2:45 p.m.
Chair: Myra Elliott
Breakout 242 Both RLDS and LDS Churches Erred in Their Method of Presidential Succession William Russell read by Michael H. Nielsen  
Beehive Girls and the Priesthood: Reactions to Women’s Ordination and Feminism in LDS Church Curriculum in the 1970s and 1980s Nancy Ross
David Howlett
2:45 p.m.
Chair: Eric Paul Rogers

Armed Men, Furious Men, With Murder In Their Hearts: The Men Who Killed Joseph and Hyrum Smith—Claims, Accusations, and Pus-filled Wounds Joseph Johnstun Sunbrook
Did Joseph Smith Really Faint? —The June 25, 1844, Militia Review in Carthage, Illinois Bryon Andreasen  
2:45 p.m.
Chair: Melvin Clarno Johnson
Breakout 244 Striving to Make Peace with the Mountain Meadows Massacre LaJean Purcell Carruth Ballroom
C & D
The Influence of Juanita Brooks on Restoration History

Teresa Reber Bell
Sharla Brooks Moody
5:00 p.m.   Walking Tours – advance registration required. 
Downtown St. George
Juanita Brooks Property


JWHA 2024 Conference Agenda At-a-Glance